Encourage connota el levantar la seguridad en sí mismo de uno, particularmente mediante una acción externa <encouraged by her teacher to try even harder>. antonyms: discourage
Inspirit indica el infundirle vida, energía, valor o vigor a algo <the lieutenant's attempts to inspirit his soldiers>. antonyms: dispirit
Hearten indica el levantar de un estado desalentado o desanimado, infundiendo un renovado valor o celo <their elderly mother always seemed to be heartened by their visits>. antonyms: dishearten
Embolden indica el dar valor suficiente para vencer la timidez o la resistencia <emboldened by her early success>. ant abash
Cheer sugiere mostrar aprobación y apoyo con gritos de júbilo y entusiasmo <we were cheering for you all the way>.
Inspire implica conmover a alguien a actuar o crear <he was inspired by his teachers>.
Rally sugiere conmover a un grupo de personas a actuar, especialmente después de un periodo de inacción <the coach rallied his players for the second half of the game>.