Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for evened in Spanish


even verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
evened, has evened, is evening, evens
allanar, nivelar, emparejar; igualar, equilibrar

Example sentences of
even verb

  • Even the filling before adding the top layer of the cake.
  • The contention that producing more arms will even us with the enemy and therefore make us more secure.

Synonyms of
even verb

Reverse translation for evened

allanar  - to raid, to search, to resolve, to solve, to smooth, to level out 
nivelar  - to level (out) 
emparejar  - to pair, to match up, to catch up, to make even 
igualar  - to equalize, to tie 
equilibrar  - to balance 
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