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1 Translation result for expand in Spanish


expand verb

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expanded, has expanded, is expanding, expands
ampliarse, extenderse; expandir, dilatar, aumentar, ampliar; expandirse, dilatarse (dícese de los metales, gases, etc.); extender

Example sentences of
expand verb

  • The liquid expands and contracts with changes in temperature.
  • His business has expanded to serve the entire state.
  • The coffee shop may expand into a full restaurant.
  • He has expanded his business to serve the entire state.
  • There are plans to expand the airport.
  • The police have decided to expand their investigation.
  • She plans to expand the lecture series into a book.
  • Expand the abbreviation “deg.” to “degree.”

Detailed synonyms for expand verb

Expand, amplify, swell, distend, inflate, dilate, mushroom, enlarge, widen, spread significan aumentar en tamaño o volumen.
  • Expand puede aplicarse tanto cuando el aumento viene de adentro como cuando viene de afuera, y sin tomar en cuenta el modo de aumentar, sea éste por crecimiento, desdoblamiento, o la adición de partes <our business has expanded with every passing year>. ant contract, abridge
  • Amplify indica la extensión o el agrandamiento de algo que es inadecuado <was asked to amplify her statement with some details>.
    antonyms: abridge, condense
  • Swell indica la expansión gradual de una cosa más allá de sus límites originales o normales <the bureaucracy had swelled over the previous three years>.
    antonyms: shrink
  • Distend indica una expansión hacia afuera causada por una presión interior <children with distended stomachs>.
    antonyms: constrict
  • Inflate indica una hinchazón causada por el efecto de la introducción de un gas o de algo insustancial, o por una acción similar, y connota una inestabilidad y una extrema mutabilidad como resultado <an inflated ego>.
    antonyms: deflate
  • Dilate se aplica especialmente a la expansión en diámetro y connota el ensanchamiento de algo circular <dim light causes the pupils of the eyes to dilate>.
    antonyms: constrict
  • Mushroom connota aumentar o desarrollar rápidamente <the population has mushroomed over the past ten years>.
  • Enlarge puede indicar una expansión física <enlarge the kitchen> o darle un alcance mayor a algo <education enlarges one's view of the world>.
  • Widen connota aumentar el ancho, el alcance o la extensión de algo <the mayor wants to widen the road>.
  • Spread sugiere aumentar en tamaño <the fire had soon spread to the second floor> o en ocurrencia <the rumors spread quickly>.
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Reverse translation for expand

extenderse  - to spread, to last 
expandir  - to expand 
dilatar  - to dilate, to widen, to expand, to put off, to postpone 
aumentar  - to rise, to increase, to grow, to increase, to raise 
ampliar  - to expand, to extend, to widen, to enlarge (photographs), to elaborate on, to develop (ideas) 
expandirse  - to spread 
dilatarse  (dícese de los metales, gases, etc.) - to expand (of gases, metals, etc.), to take long, to be long 
extender  - to spread out, to stretch out, to broaden, to expand, to draw up (a document), to write out (a check)