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2 Translation results for fail in Spanish

verb | noun

fail verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
failed, has failed, is failing, fails
reprobar (un examen); fallar, deteriorarse; detenerse; decepcionar; fracasar; quebrar

Example sentences of
fail verb

  • He failed in his first attempt but succeeded in his second attempt.
  • His first company failed, but his second company succeeded.
  • He felt that he had failed her when she needed him most.
  • The government has failed the voters.

Synonyms of
fail verb

fail noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
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Related phrases for fail

Reverse translation for fail

reprobar  (un examen) - to condemn, to disapprove of, to fail (a course) 
fallar  - to miss (a target), to fail, to go wrong, to rule (in a court of law), to pronounce judgment on 
deteriorarse  - to get damaged, to wear out, to deteriorate, to worsen 
detenerse  - to stop, to delay, to linger 
decepcionar  - to disappoint, to let down 
fracasar  - to fail, to fall through 
quebrar  - to go bankrupt, to break, to fall out, to break up, to bend, to twist 
fracaso  - failure, (figurative) train wreck