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2 Translation results for fault in Spanish

noun | verb

fault noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
defecto, falta; falla; culpa; falla (geológica)

Example sentences of
fault noun

  • Lack of courage is his worst fault.
  • If the book has a fault, it's that it's too long.
  • It's your own fault you missed that bus.
  • Through no fault of his own, he won't be able to attend the meeting.
  • She committed too many faults to win the match.

Detailed synonyms for fault noun

Fault, failing, shortcoming, frailty, foible, vice, flaw significan una imperfección o debilidad de carácter.
  • Fault indica el hecho, no necesariamente culposo, de no haber alcanzado un nivel de perfección en el temperamento, la acción o el hábito <a woman of many virtues and few faults>.
    antonyms: merit
  • Failing, shortcoming connotan un pequeño defecto de carácter del cual se puede o no ser consciente <smoking is one of my failings> <he has more strengths than shortcomings>.
  • Frailty indica una propensión, general o crónica, a ceder a la tentación <thought of sins as the result of human frailties>.
  • Foible se aplica a una debilidad o idiosincrasia inofensiva o simpática <foibles that make him all the more lovable>.
  • Vice puede ser un término general para cualquier imperfección o debilidad, pero connota con frecuencia la violación de un código moral o el ofender las sensibilidades morales de los demás <gambling and drinking were his main vices>.
  • Flaw sugiere una pequeña falla o debilidad que detrae del todo, como un pequeño defecto en un objeto <vanity was his one character flaw>.

fault verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
faulted, has faulted, is faulting, faults
encontrar defectos a

Example sentences of
fault verb

  • The truck driver was faulted for the accident.
  • Many have faulted her for not acting sooner.
  • I can't fault him for trying to protect his family.
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Reverse translation for fault

defecto  - defect, flaw, shortcoming 
falta  - lack, defect, fault, error, offense, misdemeanor, foul (in basketball), fault (in tennis) 
falla  - flaw, defect, (geological) fault, fault, failing 
culpa  - fault, blame, sin 
falla  (geológica) - flaw, defect, (geological) fault, fault, failing