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1 Translation result for fetch in Spanish


fetch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
fetched, has fetched, is fetching, fetches
traer, recoger, ir a buscar; realizar, venderse por

Example sentences of
fetch verb

  • If you throw the ball the dog will fetch it.
  • Hunting dogs are trained to fetch.
  • This table should fetch quite a bit at auction.
  • The house fetched more than we expected.

Synonyms of
fetch verb

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Reverse translation for fetch

traer  - to bring, to cause, to bring about, to carry, to have, to wear 
recoger  - to collect, to gather, to get, to retrieve, to pick up, to clean up, to tidy (up) 
realizar  - to carry out, to execute, to produce, to direct (a film or play), to fulfill, to achieve, to realize (a profit)