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4 Translation results for final in Spanish

adjective | noun | adjetivo | sustantivo

final adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
definitivo, final, inapelable; ultimo

Example sentences of
final adjective

  • I especially enjoyed the final act of the play.
  • They won their final four games.
  • Our last stop was Bangkok, but our final destination is Tokyo.
  • The plans are undergoing final review.
  • What was the final score?
  • in the final minutes of the game
  • The final product was not what we had expected.

Detailed synonyms for final adjective

See: Last

final noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
final (en deportes)

Example sentences of
final noun

  • He failed his history finals.
  • He failed his history final.

final adjetivo

final, ultimate

final sustantivo

final, play-off; end, conclusion, finale

Related phrases for final

Reverse translation for final

definitivo  - definitive, conclusive 
final  - final, ultimate 
inapelable  - indisputable 
ultimo  - last, final, last, latest, most recent, finally 
final  (en deportes) - final, play-off, end, conclusion, finale