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2 Translation results for floors in Spanish

noun | verb

floor noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
suelo, piso; planta; mínimo (de sueldos, precios, etc.)
word of the day image
A white glossy ceramic tile floor

Example sentences of
floor noun

  • I am washing the kitchen floor.
  • The kid sat on the floor of a car.
  • She lives on the second floor of a five-story building.
  • His office is located on the fourth floor.
  • Keep your feet on the floor.

Synonyms of
floor noun

¿Cómo se pronuncia la palabra floor?
  • Tenga en cuenta la pronunciación. Floor rima con more.

floor verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
floored, has floored, is flooring, floors
solar, poner suelo a (una casa o una sala); derribar, echar al suelo; desconcertar, confundir, dejar perplejo
word of the day image
The woman is floored by her boyfriend's proposal.

Example sentences of
floor verb

  • He floored me with his first punch.
  • The news just floored me.

Detailed synonyms for floor verb

See: Surprise

Reverse translation for floors

suelo  - ground, floor, flooring, soil, land 
piso  - floor, story, floor, apartment 
planta  - plant, plant, factory, floor, story, staff, employees, sole (of the foot) 
mínimo  (de sueldos, precios, etc.) - minimum, least amount, modicum, small amount 
solar  - to floor, to tile 
poner suelo a  (una casa o una sala)
derribar  - to demolish, to knock down, to shoot down, to bring down (an airplane), to overthrow 
desconcertar  - to disconcert 
confundir  - to confuse, to mix up, to muddle 
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