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1 Translation result for flourishes in Spanish


flourish verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
flourished, has flourished, is flourishing, flourishes
blandir; florecer, prosperar, crecer (dícese de las plantas)

Example sentences of
flourish verb

  • They researched about plants and animals that flourished here thousands of years ago.
  • Regional markets have flourished in recent years.
  • We learned about a decorative style that flourished in the 1920s.
  • Dressed as a pirate, he entered the stage flourishing his sword.

Synonyms of
flourish verb

Detailed synonyms for flourish verb

See: Succeed, Swing

Reverse translation for flourishes

blandir  - to wave, to brandish 
florecer  - to bloom, to blossom, to flourish, to thrive 
prosperar  - to prosper, to thrive 
crecer  (dícese de las plantas) - to grow, to increase 
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