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1 Translation result for folded in Spanish


fold verb

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folded, has folded, is folding, folds
doblar, plegar; fracasar; cruzar (brazos), enlazar (manos), plegar (alas); estrechar, abrazar

Example sentences of
fold verb

  • He folded the blanket.

Synonyms of
fold verb

Reverse translation for folded

doblar  - to double, to turn, to toll, to ring, to fold, to bend, to turn, to dub 
plegar  - to fold, to bend 
fracasar  - to fail, to fall through 
cruzar  (brazos) - to cross, to exchange (words, greetings), to cross, to interbreed 
enlazar  (manos) - to join, to link, to fit together 
plegar  (alas) - to fold, to bend 
estrechar  - to narrow, to tighten, to strengthen (a bond), to hug, to embrace 
abrazar  - to hug, to embrace 
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