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2 Translation results for forbidding in Spanish

adjective | verb

forbidding adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
imponente; desagradable, ingrato; severo

Example sentences of
forbidding adjective

  • a harsh and forbidding landscape
  • a dark, forbidding house, that is reputed to be haunted

Synonyms of
forbidding adjective

forbid verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
forbade, has forbidden, is forbidding, forbids
prohibir; impedir

Example sentences of
forbid verb

  • I forbid you to go!
  • She was forbidden by her parents to marry him.
  • She was forbidden from marrying him.
  • The museum forbids flash photography.
  • The company's rules forbid dating among employees.

Synonyms of
forbid verb

Detailed synonyms for forbid verb

Forbid, prohibit, ban, outlaw significan prohibir que alguien use o haga algo, u ordenar que algo no se use o se haga.
  • Forbid indica una proscripción absoluta y el acatamiento esperado a una orden dada por uno en autoridad <smoking is forbidden in the building>.
    antonyms: permit
  • Prohibit connota el promulgar leyes, estatutos o reglamentos <prohibited the sale of pistols>.
    antonyms: permit
  • Ban indica una prohibición proveniente de presiones legales o sociales, y lleva una fuerte connotación de condenación o desaprobación <the government had banned the movie>.
  • Outlaw significa hacer algo ilegal <those guns were outlawed last year>.

Reverse translation for forbidding

imponente  - imposing, impressive 
desagradable  - unpleasant, disagreeable 
ingrato  - ungrateful, thankless 
severo  - harsh, severe, strict, stark 
prohibir  - to prohibit, to ban, to forbid 
impedir  - to prevent, to block, to impede, to hinder 
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