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1 Translation result for fragile in Spanish


fragile adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
fragile adjective

  • Her health has always been very fragile.
  • He's an artist with a fragile ego.
  • He is in an emotionally fragile state.
  • The two countries have formed a fragile coalition.

Detailed synonyms for fragile adjective

1. Fragile, brittle, delicate, breakable significan que se quiebra con facilidad.
  • Fragile indica la extrema delicadeza del material o de la construcción y la necesidad de tratar con cuidado <a fragile antique chair>.
    antonyms: durable
  • Brittle indica dureza junto con una falta de elasticidad, flexibilidad o resistencia <elderly patients with brittle bones>.
  • Delicate connota una delicadeza y fineza que sugiere cuán fácil un objeto puede romperse o dañarse <a delicate china vase>.
  • Breakable significa que se rompe fácilmente <she kept everything breakable out of reach of her children>.
2. See: Weak
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Reverse translation for fragile

frágil  - fragile, frail, delicate