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2 Translation results for garrisons in Spanish

noun | verb

garrison noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
guarnición (ciudad); fortaleza, poste militar

Example sentences of
garrison noun

  • a garrison of 5,000 men

Synonyms of
garrison noun

garrison verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
garrisoned, has garrisoned, is garrisoning, garrisons
acuartelar (tropas); guarnecer, ocupar (con tropas)

Synonyms of
garrison verb

Reverse translation for garrisons

guarnición  (ciudad) - garnish, garrison, decoration, trimming, setting (of a jewel) 
fortaleza  - fortress, strength, resolution, fortitude, forte 
acuartelar  (tropas) - to quarter (troops) 
guarnecer  - to adorn, to garnish, to garrison 
ocupar  (con tropas) - to occupy, to take possession of, to hold (a position), to employ, to keep busy, to fill (space, time), to inhabit (a dwelling), to bother, to concern 
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