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3 Translation results for grow up in Spanish

verb | adjective |

grow up verb

unfavorite favorite
grew up
hacerse mayor

Example sentences of
grow up verb

  • Everyone has to grow up at some point in their lives.

grown-up adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
adulto, mayor

Synonyms of
grown-up adjective

Detailed synonyms for grown-up adjective

See: Mature


unfavorite favorite play sound
adulto, -ta; persona mayor

grow verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
grew, has grown, is growing, grows
crecer; cultivar; dejar crecer; desarrollarse, madurar; aumentar; hacerse, volverse, ponerse

Example sentences of
grow verb

  • The city is growing rapidly.
  • The list of chores to do this weekend keeps growing.
  • She grew intellectually and emotionally in her first year at college.
  • It's wonderful to see how she has grown as a person since going to college.
  • It can be hard to watch our children change as they grow.
  • He's still just a growing boy.
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Reverse translation for grow up

adulto  - adult 
mayor  - bigger, larger, greater, elder, older, biggest, largest, greatest, eldest, oldest, grown-up, mature, main, major