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2 Translation results for grumble in Spanish

verb | noun

grumble verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
grumbled, has grumbled, is grumbling, grumbles
refunfuñar, rezongar, quejarse; hacer un ruido sordo, retumbar (dícese del trueno)

Example sentences of
grumble verb

  • There's been a lot of grumbling among the employees.
  • Some of the customers have been grumbling about poor service.
  • Fans grumbled about the team's poor play.
  • “When are we going to leave?” he grumbled.
  • We could hear thunder grumbling in the distance.
  • "When are we going to leave?" he grumbled.

Synonyms of
grumble verb

grumble noun

unfavorite favorite
queja; ruido sordo, estruendo

Synonyms of
grumble noun

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Reverse translation for grumble

refunfuñar  - to grumble, to groan 
rezongar  - to gripe, to grumble 
quejarse  - to complain, to groan, to moan 
retumbar  (dícese del trueno) - to boom, to thunder, to resound, to reverberate 
queja  - complaint 
estruendo  - racket, din, roar