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1 Translation result for habit-forming in Spanish


habit-forming adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
que crea dependencia

habit noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
hábito, costumbre; hábito (de un monje o una religiosa); dependencia, adicción

Example sentences of
habit noun

  • It was his habit to take a nap after dinner every evening.
  • It's important that parents teach their children good study habits.
  • He fell into some bad habits after graduating from college.
  • It's never easy to break a bad habit.
  • He still gets up early every day from habit.
  • She always closed the door softly out of habit.
  • He hasn't been able to kick his cocaine habit.
¿Qué artículo usarías para la palabra habit: a o an?
  • La letra h en inglés se pronuncia a veces como consonante (habit, hero) y a veces no se pronuncia (herb, honor). Cuando se pronuncia como consonante, como con habit, usa a.

form verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
formed, has formed, is forming, forms
formar; tomar forma, formarse; moldear, desarrollar; constituir; adquirir (un hábito), formar (una idea)

Example sentences of
form verb

  • She formed the dough into balls.
  • The friendship that they formed in school lasted a lifetime.
  • Her early experiences played an important role in forming her personality.
  • His ideas were not yet fully formed.
  • The drug can help prevent blood clots from forming.
  • Beads of sweat formed on his forehead.
  • A plan was gradually forming in my mind.
  • A plan was gradually forming itself in my mind.
  • An angry crowd was forming in the streets.
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