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3 Translation results for honor in Spanish

noun | verb | sustantivo

honor noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
honor noun

  • These people deserve to be treated with honor.
  • The team brought honor to the school.
  • The building was named in honor of the city's founder.
  • He was prepared to fight to defend his family's honor.
  • She has a keen sense of honor.
  • He would not do it as a matter of honor.
  • He's a man of honor.
  • It was an honor to be invited.
  • En inglés británico esta palabra se deletrea "honour".

Detailed synonyms for honor noun

1. Honor, homage, reverence, deference significan respeto y estima que se muestra a otro.
  • Honor puede aplicarse al reconocimiento del derecho que se tiene a un gran respeto, o bien a cualquier expresión de tal reconocimiento <to be nominated was a great honor>.
    antonyms: dishonor
  • Homage indica la inclusión de alabanza, tributos o estima provenientes de aquellos que deben su lealtad <paid homage to the great actor with speeches and toasts>.
  • Reverence indica un profundo respeto junto con amor, devoción o asombro <a respect for his father that was almost reverence>.
  • Deference indica el ceder o someterse a la opinión o la preferencia de otro por el respeto o la reverencia que se le tiene <showed deference only to the chairman>.
    antonyms: disrespect
2. See: Honesty

honor verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
honored, has honored, is honoring, honors
honrar; cumplir con; aceptar (un cheque, etc.)

Example sentences of
honor verb

  • When we got married, we promised to love and honor each other.
  • We were honored with the queen's presence.
  • She has been honored by several organizations for her charitable works.
  • We need to find an appropriate way to honor these brave people.
  • They have established a scholarship as a way to honor his memory.
  • They are accused of failing to honor their debts.

Synonyms of
honor verb

honor sustantivo

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Related phrases for honor

Reverse translation for honor

honor  - honor 
honrar  - to honor, to be a credit to 
aceptar  (un cheque, etc.) - to accept, to approve