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2 Translation results for idle in Spanish

adjective | verb

idle adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
frívolo, vano, infundado; inactivo, parado, desocupado; holgazán, haragán, perezoso

Example sentences of
idle adjective

  • There has been a lot of idle speculation about what might happen, but no one really knows.
  • the idle days of summer

Detailed synonyms for idle adjective

See: Inactive, Vain

idle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
idled, has idled, is idling, idles
dejar sin trabajo; holgazanear, flojear, haraganear; andar al ralentí (dícese de un automóvil), marchar en vacío (dícese de una máquina)

Example sentences of
idle verb

  • She left the engine idling for a few seconds before she turned it off.
  • The cars idled in traffic.
  • A group of boys idled in the doorway.
  • The factory closed, idling several hundred workers.
  • Thousands of workers have been idled by the bad economy.
  • The factory has been idled by the strike.

Synonyms of
idle verb

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Reverse translation for idle

frívolo  - frivolous 
vano  - vain, useless, vain, worthless 
infundado  - unfounded, baseless 
inactivo  - inactive, idle, dormant 
parado  - motionless, idle, stopped, standing (up), confused, bewildered 
desocupado  - vacant, empty, free, unoccupied, unemployed 
holgazán  - lazy 
haragán  - lazy, idle 
perezoso  - lazy 
holgazanear  - to laze around, to loaf 
flojear  - to weaken, to flag, to idle, to loaf around 
haraganear  - to be lazy, to waste one's time 
andar al ralentí  (dícese de un automóvil)
marchar en vacío  (dícese de una máquina)