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1 Translation result for ignorant in Spanish


ignorant adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
ignorant adjective

  • He is an ignorant old racist.
  • She was ignorant about the dangers of the drug.
  • It was an ignorant mistake.

Synonyms of
ignorant adjective

Detailed synonyms for ignorant adjective

Ignorant, illiterate, uneducated significan que carece de conocimientos.
  • Ignorant puede indicar una condición general <an ignorant fool> o puede aplicarse a una carencia de conocimientos o el no estar enterado de algo en particular <he's ignorant of physics>.
    antonyms: cognizant, conversant, informed
  • Illiterate se aplica a la incapacidad, absoluta o relativa, de leer y escribir <much of the population is still illiterate>.
    antonyms: literate
  • Uneducated sugiere tener o mostrar poca o ninguna educación formal <uneducated but not stupid>.

Reverse translation for ignorant

ignorante  - ignorant