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1 Translation result for ill-advised in Spanish


ill-advised adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
mal aconsejado, poco atinado

ill adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
enfermo; malo

Example sentences of
ill adjective

  • What's wrong? You look ill.
  • That dog can eat almost anything with no ill effects.
  • They had been subjected to months of ill treatment.

Synonyms of
ill adjective

advise verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
advised, has advised, is advising, advises
aconsejar, asesorar; dar consejo; recomendar; informar, notificar

Example sentences of
advise verb

  • My doctor advised me to lose some weight.
  • We advised them to save their money.
  • She advises the President on foreign affairs.
  • We were thinking of buying that house, but our lawyer advised against it.
  • I advise selling your old car.
  • He advises patience when dealing with children.
  • I strongly advise you to sell your old car.
  • The boss asked us to keep him advised about how the project is going.

Synonyms of
advise verb

¿Sabías esto?
  • Tenga en cuenta la diferencia del deletreo y pronunciación entre el verbo y el sustantivo. El verbo advise (dar consejo) se deletrea con s y se pronuncia con el sonido de /z/. El sustantivo advice se deletrea con c y se pronuncia con el sonido de /s/.
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