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merriam webster

2 Translation results for image in Spanish

noun | verb

image noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
Woman looking at her image in a mirror

Example sentences of
image noun

  • She studied her image in the mirror.
  • The kids sat staring at the images on the TV screen.
  • The exhibition shows black-and-white images of the city
  • The museum gathered painters capturing images of war.
  • His poem evokes images of the sea and warm summer days.
  • He is trying hard to improve his image.
  • The law suit has negatively affected the company's public image.
  • a politician who cares more about image than about telling the truth

Detailed synonyms for image noun

See: Idea

image verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
imaged, has imaged, is imaging, images
imaginar, crear una imagen de

Example sentences of
image verb

  • in the painting Sacagawea is imaged as an intrepid woman pointing the way for Lewis and Clark
  • the brochure images a vacation at the resort in language that makes you want to make a reservation this instant
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Reverse translation for image

imagen  - image, picture 
imaginar  - to imagine