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2 Translation results for inflated in Spanish

adjective | verb

inflated adjective

unfavorite favorite
inflado, hinchado, lleno; pomposo, ampuloso, henchido; (economía) desorbitado, excesivo

Example sentences of
inflated adjective

  • a writer with an inflated reputation
  • an inflated style of writing
  • She objects to the inflated salaries that many professional athletes now receive.

Synonyms of
inflated adjective

Detailed synonyms for inflated adjective

Inflated, turgid, overblown, pompous significan hinchado más allá de su tamaño normal por un líquido o un efecto similar.
  • Inflated indica un estiramiento o una extensión causada a menudo por medios artificiales o cuestionables <the country's inflated currency>.
  • Turgid puede connotar una manera o actitud que carece de control o disciplina, y que es acompañada de tales faltas como la emotividad excesiva o la grandilocuencia <an author known for her turgid prose>.
  • Overblown sugiere estar expandido o elaborado hasta un volumen o un nivel injustificable <the speaker's overblown rhetoric>.
  • Pompous connota mostrar una opinión demasiado alta de la propia importancia de uno, especialmente en el hablar o el escribir <even the book's title, "How to Write," sounded pompous>.

inflate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
inflated, has inflated, is inflating, inflates
inflar, hinchar
word of the day image
The woman is inflating the tire.

Example sentences of
inflate verb

  • We used a pump to inflate the raft.
  • Economists warn that rapid economic growth could inflate prices.
  • Increased competition has inflated salaries among professional athletes.
  • Rapid economic growth may cause prices to inflate.

Detailed synonyms for inflate verb

See: Expand
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Reverse translation for inflated

hinchado  - swollen, inflated, pompous, overblown 
lleno  - full, filled 
pomposo  - pompous 
ampuloso  - pompous, bombastic 
henchido  - swollen, bloated 
desorbitado  (economía)
excesivo  - excessive 
inflar  - to inflate 
hinchar  - to inflate, to exaggerate