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1 Translation result for inform in Spanish


inform verb

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informed, has informed, is informing, informs
informar, notificar, avisar

Example sentences of
inform verb

  • The book will entertain and inform you.
  • The arresting officer failed to inform the suspect of his rights.
  • He failed to inform the suspect that he had the right to remain silent.
  • We haven't yet been informed of her decision.
  • Frequent reports from the battlefield kept the general informed about how the attack was progressing.
  • The book will both entertain and inform.
  • His Catholic upbringing informs all his writing.

Synonyms of
inform verb

Detailed synonyms for inform verb

Inform, acquaint, apprise, notify, tell significan hacer a uno consciente de algo.
  • Inform indica el impartir conocimiento, sobre todo de datos o hechos que son necesarios para entender un asunto, o que pueden servir de base a la acción <informed us of the crisis>.
  • Acquaint pone énfasis en la introducción o en la familiarización <acquainted herself with the rules of the game>.
  • Apprise indica el comunicar algo de interés o importancia especial para el que lo recibe <his aides apprised him of the situation within hours>.
  • Notify indica la comunicación formal de algo que requiere de atención o que exige tomar acción <notified them when the next payment was due>.
  • Tell simplemente significa expresar en palabras o informarle a alguien <tell me when the package arrives>.
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Reverse translation for inform

informar  - to report, to inform 
notificar  - to notify, to inform 
avisar  - to notify, to inform, to advise, to warn