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merriam webster

2 Translation results for inputs in Spanish

verb | noun

input verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
input, has input, is inputing, inputs
entrar (datos, información)

Example sentences of
input verb

  • She inputted the sales figures into the spreadsheet.

input noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
aportación, contribución; entrada (de datos); consejos, opinión

Example sentences of
input noun

  • I need your input on what to have for dinner.
  • She provided some valuable input at the start of the project.
  • The computer gets its input from a keyboard or mouse.
  • This VCR has several audio inputs.
  • The job will require a considerable input of money.
  • The data is ready for input into a computer.

Synonyms of
input noun

Reverse translation for inputs

entrar  (datos, información) - to enter, to go in, to come in, to bring in, to introduce, to access, to begin 
aportación  - contribution 
contribución  - contribution 
entrada  (de datos) - entrance, entry, ticket, admission, beginning, onset, entr?e, cue (in music) 
consejos  - advice, counsel, council 
opinión  - opinion, belief 
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