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2 Translation results for insert in Spanish

verb | noun

insert verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
inserted, has inserted, is inserting, inserts
insertar, introducir, poner, meter; interpolar, intercalar

Example sentences of
insert verb

  • Insert your credit card here.
  • You need to insert a comma between these two words.
  • insert a space between paragraphs
  • They tried to insert themselves into the conversation.

Detailed synonyms for insert verb

See: Introduce

insert noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
inserción, hoja insertada (en una revista, etc.)

Example sentences of
insert noun

  • The pot comes with an insert for steaming.
  • advertising inserts in the Sunday paper
  • Each box includes an insert explaining the product's proper use.
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Reverse translation for insert

insertar  - to insert 
introducir  - to introduce, to bring in, to insert, to input, to enter 
poner  - to contribute, to put, to place, to set up, to establish, to install, to put in, to make, to turn on, to switch on, to suppose, to lay (eggs), to lay eggs, to put in, to add, 
meter  - to put (in), to fit, to squeeze, to place (in a job), to involve, to make, to cause 
interpolar  - to insert, to interpolate 
intercalar  - to intersperse, to insert 
inserción  - insertion 
hoja insertada  (en una revista, etc.)