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1 Translation result for invited in Spanish


invite verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
invited, has invited, is inviting, invites
atraer, tentar; provocar, buscar; invitar; solicitar, buscar (preguntas, comentarios, etc.)

Example sentences of
invite verb

  • I visited their house once, but they've never invited me back.
  • I'm planning to invite them for the weekend.
  • Aren't you going to invite me in for a coffee?
  • The event is limited to invited guests.
  • Employees are invited to apply for the new position.
  • The college invited her to speak at the graduation ceremony.
  • The company invites suggestions from customers.

Synonyms of
invite verb

Detailed synonyms for invite verb

Invite, bid, solicit significan pedir o animar a alguien o algo a que responda o tome acción.
  • Invite por lo general indica el pedir, de manera formal o cortés, la presencia o la participación de uno, pero puede también aplicarse al acto de atraer o tentar tácita o involuntariamente <the sequel invites comparison with the original novel>.
  • Bid indica el hacer un esfuerzo o una petición con el fin de ganar o de atraer, o el brindar una tentadora oportunidad para algo <bidding for their sympathy>.
  • Solicit connota más la urgencia que la cortesía en el animar o pedir <continually solicited our advice>.
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Reverse translation for invited

atraer  - to attract 
tentar  - to feel, to touch, to test, to try, to tempt, to entice 
provocar  - to provoke, to cause, to provoke, to pique 
buscar  - to look, to search, to look for, to seek, to pick up, to collect, to provoke 
invitar  - to invite 
solicitar  - to request, to solicit, to apply for 
buscar  (preguntas, comentarios, etc.) - to look, to search, to look for, to seek, to pick up, to collect, to provoke