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1 Translation result for justifying in Spanish


justify verb

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justified, has justified, is justifying, justifies

Example sentences of
justify verb

  • He tried to justify his behavior by saying that he was being pressured unfairly by his boss.
  • The fact that we are at war does not justify treating innocent people as criminals.

Synonyms of
justify verb

Detailed synonyms for justify verb

1. Justify, warrant significan ser lo que constituye motivos suficientes para hacer, usar, decir o preferir algo.
  • Justify puede preferirse cuando el énfasis se pone en los motivos que satisfacen tanto a la razón como a la conciencia <no crime could justify such a cruel punishment>.
  • Warrant es especialmente apropiado cuando el énfasis se pone en algo que requiere una explicación o una razón más que una excusa, y suele connotar el ser apoyado por la autoridad del precedente, la experiencia o la lógica <the virus's role in disease warrants further research>.
2. See: Maintain

Reverse translation for justifying

justificar  - to justify, to excuse, to vindicate 
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