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1 Translation result for keep on in Spanish
keep onverb
seguir, continuar
Example sentences of
keep on
•He talked and talked. At one point I thought he would keep on all night.
kept, has kept, is keeping, keeps
guardar, cuidar; cumplir (la palabra a uno), acudir a (una cita); observar (una fiesta); seguir, no dejar; conservarse (dícese de los alimentos); mantener; mantener (una familia); criar (animales); llevar, escribir (un diario, etc.); conservar, quedarse con; hacer quedar, detener
Example sentences of
•She's going to keep the money she found.
•I can't decide whether to sell my old car or keep it for another year.
•While the company laid off some employees, others had hopes of keeping their jobs.
•I asked them to keep quiet.
•The program teaches kids how to keep safe near water.
More examples
•I tried to keep the children quiet during the ceremony.
•The local newspaper keeps people informed about what's happening in town.
•The article offers tips on how to keep kids safe near water.
•The movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.