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2 Translation results for lasting in Spanish

adjective | verb

lasting adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
perdurable, duradero, estable

Example sentences of
lasting adjective

  • a book with lasting significance
  • The trip had a lasting effect on her.

Synonyms of
lasting adjective

Detailed synonyms for lasting adjective

Lasting, enduring, permanent, durable, stable, undying significan que perdura tanto que parece estar fijo o establecido.
  • Lasting, enduring indican la capacidad de continuar indefinidamente <the book left a lasting impression on her> <an enduring tradition>.
    antonyms: fleeting
  • Permanent añade la indicación de haber sido diseñado o concebido para existir o continuar indefinidamente <finally moved into a permanent home>.
    antonyms: temporary
  • Durable indica un poder de resistir efectos destructivos que es superior al de otros de su mismo tipo o clase <durable shoes>.
  • Stable indica una permanencia o durabilidad como consecuencia de estar bien arraigado, equilibrado o establecido, y por lo tanto es capaz de resistir el ser volcado o desplazado <a stable government>.
    antonyms: unstable, changeable
  • Undying connota que dura para siempre y generalmente describe emociones <he expressed his undying gratitude>.

last verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
lasted, has lasted, is lasting, lasts
durar; aguantar; sobrevivir; bastar

Example sentences of
last verb

  • How long does the movie last?
  • The car should last 10 years.

Detailed synonyms for last verb

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Related phrases for lasting

Reverse translation for lasting

perdurable  - lasting 
duradero  - durable, lasting 
estable  - stable, steady 
durar  - to last, to endure 
aguantar  - to hold out, to last, to bear with, to tolerate, to withstand, to hold 
sobrevivir  - to outlive, to outlast, to survive 
bastar  - to be enough, to suffice