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2 Translation results for loaf in Spanish

noun | verb

loaf noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
pan, pan de molde, barra de pan

Example sentences of
loaf noun

  • He asked for a knife to slice the loaf of bread.
¿Cuál es el plural de loaf?
  • La forma plural de loaf es loaves.
    Loaf es una de las palabras en la cual la f final se vuelve una ve en su forma plural.

loaf verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
loafed, has loafed, is loafing, loafs
holgazanear, flojear, haraganear

Example sentences of
loaf verb

  • I spent most of the weekend just loafing around the house.
  • the kind of sultry August afternoon that makes you just want to loaf
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Related phrases for loaf

Reverse translation for loaf

pan  - bread, loaf of bread, cake, bar 
holgazanear  - to laze around, to loaf 
flojear  - to weaken, to flag, to idle, to loaf around 
haraganear  - to be lazy, to waste one's time