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1 Translation result for maim in Spanish


maim verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
maimed, has maimed, is maiming, maims
mutilar, desfigurar, lisiar

Example sentences of
maim verb

  • The bomb killed 16 people and maimed several others.
  • on-the-job accidents maim far too many workers every year

Detailed synonyms for maim verb

Maim, cripple, mutilate, batter, mangle, maul, disfigure significan herir tan severamente como para causar un daño duradero.
  • Maim indica la pérdida o la herida de una extremidad o un miembro, normalmente mediante la violencia <maimed soldiers missing an arm or a leg>.
  • Cripple indica la pérdida o el grave perjuicio de un brazo o una pierna <the fall crippled her for life>.
  • Mutilate indica el cortar o quitar una parte esencial de una persona o cosa, causando daño por lo tanto a su entereza, belleza o función <the mutilated corpse was found the next day>.
  • Batter indica el aporrear con una serie de golpes que causan moretones, deformidades o mutilaciones <the ship had run onto the rocks and was being battered by the waves>.
  • Mangle indica una acción desgarradora o aplastante que deja extensas y profundas heridas o laceraciones <his hand had gotten mangled by the machine's gears>.
  • Maul connota lesionar seriamente al golpear, magullar, morder, cortar o desgarrar <the girl had been mauled by a dog>.
  • Disfigure connota arruinar o dañar la apariencia de alguien o algo <his face was disfigured by a scar>.
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Reverse translation for maim

mutilar  - to mutilate 
desfigurar  - to disfigure, to mar, to distort, to misrepresent 
lisiar  - to cripple, to disable