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3 Translation results for mean in Spanish

adjective | noun | verb

mean adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
malo, cruel; despreciable; mezquino, tacaño; medio

Example sentences of
mean adjective

  • Someone played a mean trick on her.
  • For the state of Florida, what is the mean number of sunny days per month?

Detailed synonyms for mean adjective

Mean, ignoble, sordid significan inferior a los niveles normales de decencia y dignidad humana.
  • Mean connota el tener características repelentes, tales como la estrechez de miras, mal temperamento o codicia <there was a mean streak in his personality>.
  • Ignoble connota la pérdida o carencia de alguna cualidad superior esencial de mente o de espíritu <she suspected that his motives were ignoble>.
    antonyms: noble, magnanimous
  • Sordid es el más fuerte de estos términos para recalcar la suciedad y la degradación y abyección física o espiritual <a sordid story of murder and revenge>.

mean noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
término medio; promedio, media aritmética

Example sentences of
mean noun

  • Take all these temperatures and calculate their mean.
  • We're trying to find a golden mean between doing too little and doing too much.
¿Sabías esto?
  • No confundir means con mean. Means es el singular y el plural del sustantivo que significa manera, método, o recursos financieros. Esta es también la forma plural del sustantivo mean que significa promedio o punto medio.

Detailed synonyms for mean noun

1. Means, instrument, agent, medium, vehicle significan algo o alguien que es necesario o útil para la consecución de un fin.
  • Means es muy general y puede aplicarse a cualquier persona o cosa que sirve un propósito <had no means of transportation except his horse>.
  • Instrument, en su aplicación a una cosa, tiende a connotar un grado de idoneidad o de adaptación para ser usada como una herramienta <the tax code can be a powerful instrument for social change>.
  • Agent se aplica a una persona que persigue un fin concebido por otra <a real estate agent>.
  • Medium se aplica a una vía o un método, normalmente intangible, de transportar, transmitir o comunicar <gestures were their only medium of communication>.
  • Vehicle connota un medio por el cual algo se comparte, expresa, logra o muestra <an investment vehicle>, frecuentemente como un trabajo creado especialmente para mostrar los talentos de un artista en particular <the film was nothing but a vehicle for its famous star>.
2. See: Average

mean verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
meant, has meant, is meaning, means
querer, pensar, tener la intención de; querer decir, significar; importar

Example sentences of
mean verb

  • The word meant one thing in Shakespeare's day, but it means something else now.
  • Red means “stop” and green means “go.”
  • Can you tell me what my dream means?
  • What was meant by the poet?
  • Don't distort what she meant by taking her words out of context.
  • He's very ambitious, and I mean that as a compliment.
  • It's a very easy question. Anyone, and I mean anyone, should be able to answer it.
  • She's not getting any thinner, if you know what I mean.
  • She says she didn't mean anything by what she did.
  • I don't trust him. He means no good.

Synonyms of
mean verb

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Related phrases for mean

Reverse translation for mean

malo  - bad, wicked, naughty, cheap, poor (quality), harmful, unwell 
cruel  - cruel 
despreciable  - despicable, contemptible, negligible 
mezquino  - mean, petty, stingy, paltry 
tacaño  - stingy, miserly 
medio  - half, midway, halfway, middle, average 
promedio  - average, middle, midpoint 
querer  - to want, to desire, to love, to like, to be fond of, 
pensar  - to think, to think, to think about, to intend, to plan on 
significar  - to mean, to signify, to express, to make known 
importar  - to import, to matter, to be important