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1 Translation result for misrepresented in Spanish


misrepresent verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
misrepresented, has misrepresented, is misrepresenting, misrepresents
distorsionar, falsear, tergiversar

Example sentences of
misrepresent verb

  • The company is accused of misrepresenting its earnings.
  • The movie deliberately misrepresents the facts about her life.

Synonyms of
misrepresent verb

Detailed synonyms for misrepresent verb

Misrepresent, falsify, garble, distort significan presentar o representar en una manera contraria a la verdad.
  • Misrepresent suele indicar una intención de engañar y puede connotar el mentir deliberadamente, y a menudo puede indicar prejuicio o una intención de ser injusto <misrepresented the value of the property>.
  • Falsify indica una distorsión de los hechos o de la realidad que es generalmente, pero no necesariamente, deliberada y hecha con el fin de engañar <he had falsified his business records>.
  • Garble indica una mutilación o distorsión, a veces deliberada, de cosas tales como informes, testimonios o traducciones, y que suele dar una impresión errónea del original <by the time she heard the story it had been badly garbled>.
  • Distort connota cambiar algo dicho o escrito fuera de su significado o proporción verdadera <complained that the newspaper had distorted what he had said>.
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Reverse translation for misrepresented

distorsionar  - to distort 
falsear  - to falsify, to fake, to give way, to distort, to be out of tune 
tergiversar  - to distort, to twist