Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for modeling in Spanish


model verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
modeled, has modeled, is modeling, models
modelar; trabajar de modelo

Example sentences of
model verb

  • The faces of the gods were modeled in white stone.
  • They're modeling this year's new spring fashions.
  • She got a job modeling shoes for a catalog company.
  • The fashion model has angered animal lovers by modeling fur coats.

Synonyms of
model verb

¿Cuál es la forma correcta de escribir la palabra: modeling or modelling? ¿Modeled or modelled?
  • En inglés americano, la letra 'l' generalmente no se duplica cuando se agrega -ing o -ed, por lo tanto se escribe modeling y modeled. En inglés británico, la letra 'l' se duplica.
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Reverse translation for modeling

modelar  - to model, to mold