Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for moderarse in English

verbo | verbo

moderarse verbo

to restrain oneself; to diminish, to calm down

moderar verbo

to temper, to moderate; to curb, to reduce; to chair (a meeting)

Reverse translation for moderarse

to diminish  - disminuir, reducir, amainar, menguar, reducirse 
to calm down  - tranquilizar, calmar 
to temper  - moderar, temperar, templar (acero, etc.) 
to moderate  - moderar, temperar, moderarse, calmarse, fungir como moderador (en un debate, etc.) 
to curb  - refrenar, restringir, controlar 
to reduce  - adelgazar, reducir, disminuir, rebajar (precios), bajar de categoría, degradar 
to chair  (a meeting)
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