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3 Translation results for motive in Spanish

noun | adjective | verbo

motive noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
motivo, móvil

Example sentences of
motive noun

  • Their motive in running away was to avoid being punished.
  • I think he's guilty of the crime. He had the motive, the means, and the opportunity.
  • She denied that her offer to help was based on selfish motives.

Detailed synonyms for motive noun

Motive, impulse, incentive, inducement, spur, impetus, stimulus significan un estímulo a la acción.
  • Motive indica una emoción o un deseo que opera sobre la voluntad y que la hace tomar acción <a crime with no apparent motive>.
  • Impulse connota un poder de estímulo que nace del temperamento o la constitución personal <my first impulse was to run>.
  • Incentive se aplica a una influencia externa, tal como una recompensa prevista o una esperanza, que incita a la acción <a bonus was offered as an incentive>.
  • Inducement connota un motivo instigado con incentivos o alicientes ajenos <fear of poverty should serve as an inducement to save money>.
  • Spur se aplica a un motivo que estimula las facultades o que aumenta la energía o el ardor <a spur to the economy>.
  • Impetus connota una fuerza que causa que las personas actúen <his discoveries have given impetus to further research>.
  • Stimulus sugiere algo que causa que algo más se vuelva más activo <the tax cut was intended as an economic stimulus>.

motive adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

motivar verbo

to cause; to motivate
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Reverse translation for motive

motivo  - motive, cause, reason, theme, motif 
móvil  - motive, mobile 
motor  - motor