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2 Translation results for outrage in Spanish

noun | verb

outrage noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
atropello, atrocidad, atentado; escándalo; ira, furia

Example sentences of
outrage noun

  • Many people expressed outrage at the court's decision.
  • Public outrage over the scandal was great.
  • The rule is an outrage against women.
  • This is an outrage! I won't allow this kind of behavior to continue.

Detailed synonyms for outrage noun

outrage verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
outraged, has outraged, is outraging, outrages
ultrajar, injuriar; indignar, enfurecer

Example sentences of
outrage verb

  • His comments outraged nearly everyone in the room.
  • The spiteful comment outraged her so much that she's still holding a grudge.

Synonyms of
outrage verb

Detailed synonyms for outrage verb

See: Offend

Reverse translation for outrage

atropello  - abuse, violation, outrage 
atrocidad  - atrocity 
atentado  - attack, assault 
escándalo  - scandal, scene, commotion 
ira  - wrath, anger 
furia  - fury, rage, violence, fury 
ultrajar  - to offend, to outrage, to insult 
injuriar  - to insult, to revile 
indignar  - to outrage, to infuriate 
enfurecer  - to infuriate