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3 Translation results for overall in Spanish

adverb | adjective | noun

overall adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
en términos generales

Example sentences of
overall adverb

  • He made a few mistakes but did well overall.
  • Overall, the project was successful.

overall adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
total, global, de conjunto

Example sentences of
overall adjective

  • Your overall score after two rounds was 150 points.
  • His mistake didn't change my overall impression of him.
  • Your overall health is sound.
  • She likes the overall quality of the product.
  • The scratch didn't affect the car's overall appearance.

overall noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
overol, traje de mecánico

Example sentences of
overall noun

  • The painter was wearing a pair of overalls.
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Reverse translation for overall

total  - total, complete 
global  - global, worldwide, full, comprehensive, total, overall 
overol  - overalls