Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

3 Translation results for parecido in English

adjetivo | sustantivo | verbo

parecido adjetivo

similar, alike

parecido sustantivo

resemblance, similarity

parecer verbo

to seem, to look, to appear to be; to think, to have an opinion; to like, to be in agreement

Reverse translation for parecido

similar  - similar, parecido, semejante 
alike  - igual, semejante, parecido 
resemblance  - semejanza, parecido 
similarity  - semejanza, parecido 
to seem  - parecer 
to look  - mirar, buscar, parecer 
to think  - pensar, razonar, considerar, creer, opinar, reflexionar, ocurrirse, concebir 
to like  - agradar, gustarle (algo a uno), querer, desear 
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