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merriam webster

1 Translation result for particle in Spanish


particle noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
Particles of sand falling from a hand

Example sentences of
particle noun

  • There is not a particle of evidence to support their claim.
  • There is not a particle of truth in what he said.
  • The phrasal verb “look up” consists of the verb “look” and the adverbial particle “up.”
  • The phrasal verb "look up" consists of the verb "look" and the adverbial particle "up."

Synonyms of
particle noun

Detailed synonyms for particle noun

Particle, bit, mite, smidgen, iota, ounce, scrap, shred, speck significan una pieza o parte muy pequeña o insignificante.
  • Particle indica una cantidad, de una sustancia o de una cualidad, que puede percibirse con la vista o la mente <claimed that not a particle of real evidence had come to light in the trial>.
  • Bit connota la cantidad, la extensión o el grado más pequeño realizable <the movie was a bit too violent for his mother>.
  • Mite puede recalcar el ser pequeño o diminuto en tamaño o cantidad <she claimed her grandson never had a mite of sense>.
  • Smidgen puede ir más allá en recalcar lo minúsculo o lo escaso <the soup needed a smidgen more paprika>.
  • Iota se usa intercambiablemente para denotar el detalle o la cantidad más pequeña o minúscula <it didn't make an iota of difference to him>.
  • Ounce, que generalmente se usa en un contexto negativo, connota una cantidad muy pequeña de algo <she claimed he had never had an ounce of sense>.
  • Scrap sugiere un poco de algo, ya sea físico o no físico <searching for any scrap of information about his missing parents>.
  • Shred, generalmente usado en un contexto negativo, connota una cantidad pequeña <there's not a shred of evidence>.
  • Speck generalmente indica un punto físico <a speck of mud on her dress>.
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Reverse translation for particle

partícula  - particle