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1 Translation result for pegging in Spanish


peg verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
pegged, has pegged, is pegging, pegs
delimitar, marcar; sujetar, asegurar (con estaquillas)

Example sentences of
peg verb

  • Is the tent pegged down all the way?
  • peg the price of wheat at its current level
  • His bonus is pegged to how many sales he makes each year for the company.

Synonyms of
peg verb

Reverse translation for pegging

delimitar  - to demarcate, to define, to specify 
marcar  - to mark, to score, to brand (livestock), to dial, to indicate, to show, to emphasize, to dial (a telephone), to guard (an opponent), to score (a goal, a point) 
sujetar  - to hold on to, to steady, to hold down, to fasten, to attach, to subdue, to conquer 
asegurar  (con estaquillas) - to assure, to secure, to insure 
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