Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for pintarse in English

verbo | verbo

pintarse verbo

to put on makeup

pintar verbo

to paint; to paint, to draw; to draw, to mark; to look; to describe, to depict; to count

Reverse translation for pintarse

to paint  - pintar 
to draw  - tirar, jalar, correr (cortinas), dibujar, trazar, atraer, provocar, suscitar, aspirar, sacar, extraer, cobrar (un sueldo, etc.), tensar (un arco), empatar (en deportes), formular, llegar a 
to mark  - marcar, caracterizar, señalar, prestar atención a, hacer caso de 
to look  - mirar, buscar, parecer 
to describe  - describir 
to depict  - representar, describir 
to count  - contar, enumerar, valer, importar 
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