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merriam webster

1 Translation result for pipeline in Spanish


pipeline noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
conducto, oleoducto (para petróleo), gasoducto (para gas); vía (de información, etc.)
word of the day image
A system of pipelines for transporting natural gas

Example sentences of
pipeline noun

  • A complex system of pipelines, pumps and valves was laid across the continent to supply oil and gas.
  • Several secret agents serve as a pipeline of sensitive information.
  • The army's first mission was to cut enemy's pipelines of supply.
  • The company launched a new pipeline of innovative products.

Synonyms of
pipeline noun

Reverse translation for pipeline

conducto  - conduit, channel, duct 
oleoducto  (para petróleo) - oil pipeline 
gasoducto  (para gas) - gas pipeline 
vía  (de información, etc.) - road, route, way, means, way, track, line (of a railroad), tract, passage