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3 Translation results for plan in Spanish

noun | verb | sustantivo

plan noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
plano, esquema; plan, proyecto, programa

Example sentences of
plan noun

  • the army's plan of attack
  • We need to agree on a plan of action.
  • Our plan was to have the guests park on the street, not the lawn.
  • When we met them at the restaurant, they said there had been a change of plan.
  • He changed his long-distance plan.

Detailed synonyms for plan noun

Plan, design, plot, scheme, project, strategy, program, blueprint significan un método formulado para hacer o realizar algo, o para alcanzar un fin.
  • Plan indica la formulación mental, y a veces la representación gráfica, de un método o una línea de conducta <studied the plans for the industrial park>.
  • Design suele connotar una pauta definida y el haber alcanzado cierto nivel de orden y armonía <designs for three new gowns>.
  • Plot indica el exponer, en secciones claramente distintas, con énfasis en sus relaciones y proporciones <outlined the plot of the new play>.
  • Scheme recalca el cálculo del fin que se propone, y puede aplicarse a un plan motivado por la astucia y el egoísmo <a scheme to swindle retired people of their savings>.
  • Project suele recalcar iniciativa, un alcance o una visión imaginativa, pero a veces connota una extensión pesada o innecesaria <a project to develop the waterfront>.
  • Strategy sugiere un plan o un método cuidadoso y frecuentemente astuto para lograr una meta particular <new marketing strategies>.
  • Program connota un amplio plan o sistema bajo el cual se puede tomar una acción para lograr una meta <the government's health-care program>.
  • Blueprint indica un diagrama que muestra cómo se construirá algo <architectural blueprints> o más ampliamente, un plan detallado de cómo hacer algo <a blueprint for success>.

plan verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
planned, has planned, is planning, plans
hacer planes; planear, proyectar, planificar; tener planeado

Example sentences of
plan verb

  • We are busy planning the party.
  • The prisoners spent months planning their escape.
  • The students are planning a protest.
  • a teacher planning her next lesson
  • We have something very special planned for your birthday.
  • Their wedding is planned for June.
  • a planned series of books about cars
  • Things don't always go as planned.
  • Always remember to plan ahead.

Synonyms of
plan verb

¿Cuál preposición sigue al verbo plan?
  • El verbo plan es seguido por las preposiciones on, for, y to + forma base de un verbo. Ejemplo She is planning on visiting her grandparents tomorrow morning. Otro ejemplo: Now that we are engaged, we must start planning for our future together. Otro ejemplo: She is planning to visit her grandparents tomorrow morning.

plan sustantivo

plan, strategy, program; plan, diagram; attitude, intent, purpose
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Related phrases for plan

Reverse translation for plan

plano  - map, plan, plane (surface), level, shot (in photography) 
esquema  - outline, sketch, plan 
plan  - plan, strategy, program, plan, diagram, attitude, intent, purpose 
proyecto  - plan, project 
programa  - program, plan 
planear  - to glide (in the air), to plan 
proyectar  - to plan, to throw, to hurl, to project, to cast (light or shadow), to show, to screen (a film) 
planificar  - to plan