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2 Translation results for poison in Spanish

noun | verb

poison noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
poison noun

  • The killer gave her victims food laced with poison.
  • The villain in the play dies by drinking a vial of poison.
  • Poverty is a poison to society.
  • a jar of rat poison
  • suck poison from a snake bite

Synonyms of
poison noun

Detailed synonyms for poison noun

Poison, venom, virus, toxin significan material que, cuando está presente o es introducido en un organismo viviente, produce un efecto letal o perjudicial.
  • Poison puede aplicarse a cualquier sustancia mortífera o nociva (tal como la estricnina, el arsénico o el monóxido de carbono), o a cualquier cosa cuyo efecto es comparable <the poison of jealousy>.
  • Venom se aplica a un fluido venenoso segregado por ciertos animales como la serpiente, la abeja o la araña, y que se inyecta dentro de otro animal en una acción defensiva o depredadora <sucked out the venom before it could enter the bloodstream>; puede indicar asimismo una hostilidad maligna <a critic known for his venom>.
  • Virus se aplica a un agente infeccioso submicroscópico que tiene un efecto insidiosamente mortífero o destructivo <the virus that causes AIDS>.
  • Toxin denota un veneno orgánico complejo que es producido por un organismo viviente, particularmente una bacteria o un virus <peanut mold produces a toxin that could be used for biological warfare>.

poison verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
poisoned, has poisoned, is poisoning, poisons
envenenar, intoxicar; corromper

Example sentences of
poison verb

  • How did the murderer poison the victim?
  • Hundreds were poisoned from drinking the contaminated water.
  • He was poisoned with cyanide.
  • The factory poisoned the air with its fumes.
  • Illegal dumping of waste is poisoning the stream and killing fish.
  • He poisoned their minds with hatred for her.
  • His angry outburst poisoned the atmosphere of the party.
  • She was working in a hostile environment poisoned by sexist jokes.

Synonyms of
poison verb

Related phrases for poison

Reverse translation for poison

veneno  - poison, venom 
envenenar  - to poison, to embitter 
intoxicar  - to poison 
corromper  - to corrupt, to rot