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1 Translation result for possible in Spanish


possible adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
possible adjective

  • Advances in medicine have made it possible for people to live longer.
  • It is possible that she decided not to join us.
  • We tried to spend as little money as possible.
  • It is not physically possible to do everything you have planned in one day.
  • The weather report warned of possible thunderstorms tonight.
  • Thunderstorms are possible but not probable tonight.
  • The highest possible score is 100.
  • What possible good can it do to argue?
  • He is in the worst possible situation.
  • It is possible that life exists on other planets.

Detailed synonyms for possible adjective

1. Possible, practicable, feasible, workable, doable, realistic significan capaz de ser realizado.
  • Possible indica que la cosa ciertamente puede existir u ocurrir en las condiciones adecuadas <it's possible that tickets are still available>.
    antonyms: impossible, hopeless
  • Practicable se aplica a algo que puede ser puesto en marcha con rapidez con los medios disponibles o bajo las condiciones presentes <she said the plan simply wasn't practicable>.
    antonyms: impracticable
  • Feasible se aplica a lo que, con toda probabilidad, será eficaz o útil para obtener el fin deseado <none of these choices seemed politically feasible>.
    antonyms: unfeasible
  • Workable connota ser practicable y factible <a workable system>.
    antonyms: unworkable
  • Doable, un término informal, sugiere ser capaz de hacerse o llevarse a cabo <difficult, but doable>.
  • Realistic describe una respuesta sensible, apropiada y alcanzable a una situación <a realistic approach>.
2. See: Probable
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posible  - possible