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1 Translation result for quitting in Spanish


quit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
quit, has quit, is quitting, quits
dejar, abandonar; parar; dimitir, renunciar

Example sentences of
quit verb

  • She quit college after one semester.
  • She decided to quit show business.
  • He quit teaching after five years.
  • Many workers are quitting because of poor pay.
  • She hates her job and she's thinking about quitting.
  • She quit smoking years ago.
  • I wish you would quit bothering her.
  • We're going to quit for the day. It's too hot to keep working.

Detailed synonyms for quit verb

See: Go, Stop

Reverse translation for quitting

dejar  - to leave, to abandon, to forsake, to let be, to let go, to allow, to permit 
abandonar  - to abandon, to leave, to give up, to quit, to drop out 
parar  - to stop, to stop, to stand, to prop, to stay, to put up 
dimitir  - to resign, to step down 
renunciar  - to resign