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2 Translation results for reign in Spanish

noun | verb

reign noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
reign noun

  • She was a popular ruler throughout her reign.
  • the reign of Queen Elizabeth
  • I met him during his reign as department chairperson.
  • He joined the company during her reign as team president.
  • The fans still remember his reign as heavyweight boxing champion.
  • the reign of digital technology

reign verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
reigned, has reigned, is reigning, reigns
reinar; predominar

Example sentences of
reign verb

  • The king reigned in a time of peace and prosperity.
  • The lion reigns as king of the jungle.

Synonyms of
reign verb

Detailed synonyms for reign verb

See: Govern

Reverse translation for reign

reinado  - reign 
reinar  - to reign, to prevail 
predominar  - to predominate, to prevail