Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for rematado in English

adjetivo | verbo

rematado adjetivo

utter, complete

rematar verbo

to shoot; to finish off; to auction; to end

Reverse translation for rematado

utter  - absoluto 
complete  - completo, entero, íntegro, terminado, acabado, total, absoluto 
to shoot  - disparar (con un arma de fuego), disparar, tirar, ir rápidamente, pegarle un tiro a, darle un balazo a, lanzar (una pelota, etc.), echar (una mirada), fotografiar, filmar 
to auction  - subastar, rematar 
to end  - terminar(se), acabar, concluir(se), terminar, poner fin a, concluir 
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