Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for reparares in English


reparar verbo

to repair, to fix, to mend; to make amends for, to make up for something; to correct; to restore, to refresh

Reverse translation for reparares

to repair  - reparar, arreglar, refaccionar 
to fix  - sujetar, asegurar, fijar, concretar, establecer, arreglar, reparar, preparar, amañar, fijar (los ojos, la mirada, etc.) 
to mend  - curarse, enmendar, corregir, remendar, arreglar, reparar 
to correct  - corregir, rectificar, reprender 
to restore  - volver, restablecer, restaurar 
to refresh  - refrescar 
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